Supporting Neurodiversity and Inclusion in a Workplace
Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow
Phase 1: Information Gathering
1. Gather Employee Feedback
Ask AI Assistant to design the survey questions using the following prompt: Design Neurodiversity Support & Inclusion survey. Run the survey using SurveyMonkey API integrated with Mosaico.
2. Review Responses and Assess Needs
Ask AI Assistant to analyze the results, group responses by the types of accommodations needed, and run a report with findings. Review the report and most common accommodations needed.
Phase 2: Developing Action Plan
3. Develop Personalized Support Plans
Begin implementing the accommodations identified in the support plan. This might involve physical workspace changes, introducing flexible schedules, or providing assistive technologies like text-to-speech software, task management tools, or sensory-friendly equipment.
Offer additional resources, as identified in the survey.
Provide relevant training for managers.
phase 3: Implementation and Support
4. Implement Personalized Support Plans
Distribute resources and learning materials.
Schedule 1:1 conversations with employees to discuss their needs.
Follow 1:1 Neurodiversity Support&Inclusion conversation template.
Agree on accommodations needed and record them on the employee record.
phase 4: Monitoring
5. Monitor effectiveness of accommodations and resources
Schedule check-in every 3-6 months. Record feedback on the effectiveness of accommodations and resources.
phase 5: Review & Adjustment
6. Conduct Annual Review
Conduct annual review of the effectiveness of the Neurodiversity Support Program. Identify areas for improvements, as needed.
7. Adjust Support Plans if necessary
Adjust Support Plans based on the findings.