The Value of Consistent Workplace Conversations
Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow
Phase 1: Preparation
1. Schedule Meetings
Use Mosaico to create a recurring schedule for one-on-one catch-ups with team members.
2. Set Agenda
Generate a meeting agenda tailored to the employee’s role, goals, and recent performance. Include space for employee inputs and concerns.
3. Review Performance Data
Pull relevant performance and project data from Mosaico to guide the discussion.
Phase 2: Conducting the Meeting
4. Discuss Goals and Progress
Review ongoing projects, progress toward individual goals, and any roadblocks.
5. Provide Feedback
Offer constructive feedback on strengths and areas for improvement. Encourage an open dialogue.
6. Address Employee Concerns
Listen to the employee’s input on challenges, career aspirations, or team dynamics.
Phase 3: Follow-Up
7. Record Key Takeaways
Use Mosaico to document meeting notes, agreed-upon actions, and goals.
8. Assign Action Items
Create and assign tasks to follow up on decisions made during the catch-up.
9. Track Progress
Use Mosaico to monitor the completion of action items and prepare for the next one-on-one meeting.