Resolving Workplace Conflict
Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow
Phase 1: Identifying and Reporting the Conflict
1. Report the Conflict
Encourage reporting conflict through a confidential form, ensuring psychological safety. Provide guidelines for submitting clear, concise reports, detailing incidents and concerns.
2. Acknowledge the Report
Acknowledge receipt of the conflict report.
Assign a neutral mediator or HR representative to handle the case.
Phase 2: Assessment and Preparation
3. Assess the Situation
Review the reported conflict to understand the issues, involved parties, and potential impact. Use tools like root cause analysis or fishbone diagrams to identify underlying problems.
4. Gather Additional Information
Conduct interviews with relevant parties to get perspectives on the conflict.
Use the AI Assistant to summarize findings and group recurring themes or concerns.
5. Design a Mediation Plan
Develop a tailored mediation plan with clear objectives, timelines, and ground rules for discussions. Provide pre-mediation resources to involved parties, such as guides on effective communication or de-escalation techniques.
Phase 3: Mediation and Resolution
6. Facilitate Mediation Session
Conduct the mediation meeting in a neutral environment, ensuring all voices are heard. Use structured conversation frameworks to keep discussions constructive.
7. Agree on Actions
Collaboratively identify resolutions, assign responsibilities, and set timelines for implementation. Document agreed actions and ensure all parties sign off on the resolution.
Phase 4: Implementation and Monitoring
8. Implement Agreed Solutions
Ensure responsible parties take necessary actions (e.g., workload adjustments, behavioral changes). Provide ongoing support, such as additional training or resources, to facilitate compliance.
9. Schedule Follow-Up Check-Ins
Arrange regular check-ins (e.g., at 1 month, 3 months) to evaluate the success of the resolution. Record progress and address any remaining or new concerns.
10. Document and Reflect
Summarize the resolution process and outcomes in a central repository for future learning. Use AI tools to analyze trends in conflicts and refine policies or workflows.