
Defining Team Values

Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow

Phase 1: Preparation

1. Gather Background Information

Collect information on organizational values and any existing team values to ensure alignment and identify gaps.

2. Plan the Workshop

Schedule and prepare for a values workshopping session. Arrange logistics, invite all team members, and prepare materials needed for the workshop.

Phase 2: Conducting the Workshop

3. Introduce the Purpose

Start the workshop by explaining the importance of having clear team values and how they can guide daily work and team dynamics.

4. Brainstorming Session

Facilitate a brainstorming session where every team member can suggest values they believe are important. Use methods such as sticky notes, whiteboards, or digital collaboration tools to capture ideas.

5. Discuss and Refine Ideas

Group similar values together and discuss each one to refine the ideas. Ensure that every team member has a chance to contribute to the discussion.

Phase 3: Defining Core Values

6. Select Key Values

Use voting, ranking, or consensus methods to narrow down the list to a core set of values that most team members agree upon.

7. Define What Each Value Means

Clearly define what each selected value means in the context of the team’s work and behavior. This might include defining expected behaviors or attitudes associated with each value.

Phase 4: Documentation and Communication

8. Document the Agreed Values

Create a clear document outlining the team's values and their definitions. This document should be accessible to all team members and possibly included in team onboarding materials.

9. Communicate the Values

Share the finalized values with the team and relevant stakeholders. Use various communication channels to ensure everyone understands and commits to these values.

Phase 5: Integration and Practice

10. Incorporate Values into Daily Operations

Look for ways to integrate these values into daily team operations, such as in meetings, decision-making processes, and performance evaluations.

11. Create Value Champions

Appoint or volunteer team members as value champions who encourage and remind others about practicing the team values.

Phase 6: Review and Adapt

12. Regular Review

Periodically review the relevance and impact of the team values. Gather feedback on how these values are influencing team dynamics and work outcomes.

13. Adjust Values as Needed

If necessary, adjust the definitions or even the values themselves to better suit the evolving nature of the team and its objectives.


This workflow facilitates a collaborative and inclusive process to define team values that reflect the collective beliefs and principles of the team, align with organizational values, and support the team's objectives.

Key Workflow Features

  • Interactive workshops
  • Consensus-building activities
  • Integration of values into daily operations
  • Join our Expert Community