Offboarding Process for Smooth Transitions
Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow
Phase 1: Preparation
1. Notification of Termination
- Inform HR and relevant departments of the employee’s departure.
- Schedule a meeting with the employee to discuss the terms of their departure.
2. Administrative Checklist
- Prepare a detailed checklist for the employee to ensure all company property is returned, including ID badges, keys, company phone, laptop, and any other equipment or documents.
3. Documentation Completion
- Ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed, such as termination letters, non-disclosure agreements, and other legal or compliance-related documents.
- Provide the employee with information about benefits continuation, if applicable.
Phase 2: Exit Process
4. Exit Interview
- Schedule and conduct an exit interview to discuss the employee’s experience and gather feedback.
- Use standardized forms to ensure consistency and comprehensive data collection.
5. Final Payroll and Benefits Handling
- Coordinate with payroll to process final paychecks, including any accrued vacation or sick pay.
- Inform the employee about the status of their benefits and any actions they need to take regarding retirement accounts or health insurance.
6. Deactivation of Access
- Revoke access to email accounts, internal systems, and physical access controls.
- Ensure all passwords are changed and security credentials are deactivated.
Phase 3: Transition
7. Knowledge Transfer
- Organize a handover process where the departing employee can transfer critical knowledge to a successor or team.
- Document important projects and status updates to ensure continuity.
8. Communicate Departure to the Team
- Notify the team and relevant stakeholders of the departure to manage workflow impacts and set expectations.
- Plan for any temporary coverage or redistribution of responsibilities until a replacement is hired.
9. Update Internal Records
- Update Mosaico and other systems to reflect the employee’s departure.
- Ensure that all records are archived according to company policy and legal requirements.
Phase 4: Post-Offboarding
10. Alumni Engagement:
- Offer to include the departing employee in an alumni network, if available.
- Send a farewell message or organize a small send-off, if appropriate, to maintain good relations and bolster the company’s reputation as a desirable employer.