
Managing Excessive Sick Leave and Absenteeism

Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow

Phase 1: Awareness

1. Attendance Monitoring

Regularly review attendance records.

2. HR & Manager Alerts

Notify managers and HR when thresholds are met.

Phase 2: Employee Engagement

3. Check-In Meeting

Schedule confidential wellness discussions.

4. Support Plan Creation

Develop a tailored support or recovery plan.

Phase 3: Action & Follow-Up

5. Medical Certification

Request required medical documentation.

6. Flexible Work Options

Consider adjusted work arrangements.

7. Progress Reviews

Conduct regular check-ins and plan updates.

Phase 4: Compliance & Escalation

8. Escalation Process

Initiate formal actions if issues persist.

9. Documentation

Maintain records for transparency and compliance.


Enhance communication between employees, managers, and HR while ensuring fair management of sick leave. Promote early intervention and provide tailored support through structured plans.

Key Workflow Features

  • Sick leave monitoring and threshold alerts
  • Customizable wellness support plans
  • Confidential documentation and compliance tracking
  • Clear escalation process for unresolved cases

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