
Leadership Transitions and Succession Planning

Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow

Phase 1: Role Identification and Talent Assessment

1. Identify Key Positions

Determine which roles are crucial for the organization's long-term success.

2. Assess Talent Pool

Evaluate internal candidates for their ability to fill these key roles in the future.

Phase 2: Development and Preparation

3. Create Development Plans

Establish individualized development plans for identified successors, including training, mentoring, and rotational assignments.

4. Implement Mentoring Programs

Pair potential successors with current role holders or other senior leaders as mentors.

Phase 3: Monitoring and Adjusting

5. Monitor Progress

Regularly review the development progress of potential successors and adjust plans as needed.

6. Succession Drills

Conduct role-playing or real-world exercises to test potential successors in their future roles.

Phase 4: Transition and Evaluation

7. Plan Transition

Develop a transition plan for each key role that includes timelines and support structures.

8. Evaluate Succession Outcomes

After a transition, evaluate the process and the performance of the new leader to refine future succession plans.


This workflow facilitates the identification, development, and preparation of potential successors for key positions within the organization to ensure a smooth transition and continued operational success.

Key Workflow Features

  • Talent identification and development
  • Role-specific training and mentoring
  • Regular review and update of succession plans
  • Join our Expert Community