Crafting a Winning Team Strategy
Tasks & Phases Included in This Workflow
Phase 1: Preparation and Alignment
1. Identify Team Objectives
Begin with a clear definition of what the team aims to achieve. Align these objectives with the organization's overall goals to ensure coherence and support from upper management.
2. Assess Current Status
Evaluate the team’s current capabilities, resources, and performance. Identify gaps that the strategy needs to address.
Phase 2: Strategy Development Workshop
3. Conduct Workshops
Organize strategy development workshops that involve all team members. Use these sessions to brainstorm, discuss, and capture diverse ideas and perspectives.
4. Define Key Areas of Focus
From the workshops, identify key strategic areas that need attention, such as process improvements, innovation, customer engagement, etc
Phase 3: Goal Setting and Role Assignment
5. Set Specific Goals
Define clear, measurable goals for each strategic area. Ensure these goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART).
6. Assign Roles and Responsibilities
Clearly delineate roles and responsibilities for each team member, ensuring everyone knows what is expected of them in relation to the strategic goals.
Phase 4: Communication and Documentation
7. Document the Strategy
Create a comprehensive document that outlines the team strategy, goals, roles, and timelines. Use a platform like Mosaico to share this document with the team and relevant stakeholders.
8. Communicate the Strategy
Hold a meeting to communicate the strategy to the team and other stakeholders. Ensure understanding and buy-in from all parties.
Phase 5: Implementation and Monitoring
9. Implement the Strategy
Begin executing the strategy according to the defined plans and timelines. Utilize project management tools to keep track of progress and manage tasks.
10. Monitor Progress and Make Adjustments
Regularly review the progress against goals. Use team meetings to discuss challenges and successes. Adjust the strategy as needed based on feedback and changing conditions.
Phase 6: Review and Revise
11. Conduct Formal Reviews
Schedule periodic formal reviews of the strategy to evaluate its effectiveness and the team’s performance.
12. Revise Strategy as Necessary
Update the strategy based on review outcomes and external changes in the organization or industry. Ensure the strategy remains aligned with the overall business goals.